Who We Are

We Are a Movement!

Special Olympics was born out of the passion and determination of Ms. Eunice Kennedy-Schriver who took the lessons learned from a day camp she developed for those with cognitive disabilities and evolved the participation into a summer games event at Soldier Field in Chicago, Illinois in 1968.

Called the Special Olympics Summer Games, 1000 athletes from the United States and Canada competed in Aquatics and Track & Field events. The atmosphere at this event was infectious. Special Olympics International was born.

Today, there are over 2.25 million athletes in 150 countries
offering year round competition in over 30 sports.

Special Olympics Wisconsin is fortunate to be one of the leaders in Special Olympics programs. Over 10,000 Wisconsin athletes participate with 220 agencies.

The Special Olympics Wisconsin Ozaukee County Local Program began in 1974 as an after-school activity hosted by Ms. Pat Armbruster. In 1993, the Ozaukee County Local Program was chartered as a volunteer independent program within Special Olympics Wisconsin.

Today, the Ozaukee County Local Program of Special Olympics Wisconsin
is a growing organization with 120 athletes, 24 coaches
and many volunteers to offer 14 sports year-round
for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
This is training for life.

The greatest contribution of the Special Olympics movement is not exclusively focused on providing athletic training and competition for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics teaches an athlete how to win in the spirit of competition "and "how to see defeat as a path to success.

Special Olympics athletes become productive members of our community in part from the lessons we teach as an organization and we are all the stronger for it.

The Ozaukee County Local Program of Special Olympics Wisconsin organization offers Bowling, Flag Football and Volleyball in the fall season; Basketball and Gymnastics in the winter season; Athletics (track & field) and Aquatics (swimming) in the spring season; Softball, Tee Ball, and Tennis in the summer seasons; and Golf in the late summer interm (August). We are also considering a Young athletes program in the future.