reported by : Ross Rintelman
Breaking news : Ozaukee County Special Olympcs softball team took second place at Heritage Park in Richfield wi of their regional eight district tournament on Sunday, August 13th. We wanted to wish them congratulations for a job well done which they ended with a 1-1 draw, because their first game was a forfeit but cause the Ozaukee Eagles ended with a victory but the second game they lost. we have to wait & find out if they are eligible to play at the 2023 fall games at Wisconsin Dells from Friday, Sept. 8th – Sunday Sept. 10th. Not only they have softball but also had flag football which also competing for their state competitions as well at the same place.
Good luck to both of the softball & flag football teams, then up next we have volleyball & bowling starting with practices in September more details later.
Thank you,
Mr. Ross Rintelman