Ross' Corner

Bucks Game!!!

By Ross Rintelman  |  February 11, 2022
attention : Ozaukee County Special Olympics update
Special Olympics Wisconsin Night with the Milwaukee Bucks are you interested to go it is for athletes, siblings & parent. I just wanted to let our people know that they are invited to attend for the Bucks game which it is on March 24th. We need people to come & also we need to know how many people plan to attend. We need to know who is going by march 1st to place the order. Parents, siblings are invited & the the cost will be $ 20.00 / ticket. We plan on taking a bus.
The price is $ 20.00 per person, Ozaukee County Special Olympics is covering half of the cost, please email Phil Konrath at to place your order.  We will have more details once we know how many people will be attending.
Go Bucks!!!
Mr. Ross Rintelman