Hello, my name is Ross Rintelman
I know I have nothing to report right now cause basketball is cancelled due to higher amounts of covid 19, but all of us wanted to keep everyone safe & healthy to all of our athletes of Ozaukee County Special Olympics, we love to give back in the community to support of our local athletes who supports all year round. It is nice to have a great non-profit organizations like Mel’s charities which they are fully fond of all Ozaukee County Special Olympic athletes but giving and enjoying with our families & friends during this time off of basketball. Everyone knows that I’m not playing any sports but I wanted to show all of you to give pride, joy & supporting our community.
Mel has great stories to share not only for Mel’s Charities but to give our kindness support to all of you, we have a great video for mel’s charities to look at. This video documentary on Mel’s website it is called “You can’t make this stuff up” the story of Mel’s Charities. Take a look if you get a chance. I’ll put the link below!
thank you,
Mr. Ross Rintelman