Ozaukee County Special Olympics update from the “Rossman”
First of all we want to congratulations to the Ozaukee County teams that played at the Summer Games at UW-Whitewater for track & field and the newest sport was powerlifting, first time of this year competing. Quote from our coach Phil Konrath he was very proud of our athletes & coaches….powerlifting in Ozaukee, from all those great videos & pictures that i saw was all of you are having a great time, I wish I was there to give all of you a huge support.
Sounds like all of you can do this again next year with huge great help from the coaches that has great experience coaching powerlifting. Thank you to Mr. Devorkin who owns all star health and gave the time to the team to use the All Star Gym.
Highlight Video….
Thank you,
Mr, Ross Rintelman